What damages are recoverable from a dog bite injury may interest you if you or a family member has been bitten by a dog in Las Vegas, Nevada. Medical bills, lost income, and lost earning potential are possible damages during a dog bite case. Furthermore, reimbursement may extend to costs such as bodily suffering, mental distress, and the loss of companionship. Punitive damages may be awarded if the dog owner acted particularly carelessly. If an attack by a dog bit your loved one resulted in their death, you can also be entitled to wrongful death benefits.
Injuries from dog bites affect more than 4.5 million people in the United States annually. Every year, more than 800,000 individuals seek medical attention for injuries caused by dog bites—the dog attack rate spikes in the summer. There are more incidents in the summer than in any other season.
The best way to determine how much compensation you can recover from a dog bite injury is by having reputable Las Vegas dog bite attorneys look into the occurrence and review the specifics of your injury claim. To get the full amount of your losses back, these attorneys can also assist you in filing a lawsuit or claim for dog bite injuries against the responsible dog owner.
Compensation for Dog Bite Injury Case
After a dog bite, you may be entitled to compensatory damages if you suffer serious harm. Among these compensatory damages are:
Medical Bills
The most apparent cost resulting from a dog bite accident is medical bills. Unexpectedly, the cost of treatment for an injury caused by a dog can exceed your expectations. According to data from the Insurance Information Institute (III), the average cost of a claim resulting from a dog bite was $49,025 in 2021. Current medical expenses, including the following, are included in your recoverable medical bills:
- Fees for emergency medical services
- Hospital services
- Ambulance service fees
- The doctor’s fees
- Medication
Future medical expenses, including physical therapy and house modifications to address physical disabilities resulting from a dog bite, may also be covered. Additionally, you could recover the expenses of replacing and maintaining medical devices.
Lost Income or Wages
You may have to take time off work due to a dog bite injury. In this situation, you can be qualified for lost wage compensation for the duration of your recovery. If you can still work for yourself, you can pursue compensation for your losses. Consult a lawyer for a precise estimation of your lost wages.
Lost Earning Potential
If you are bitten by a dog seriously, you can have permanent effects. If your injuries prevent you from returning to work, you may be able to get compensation for your lost earning ability.
Physical Pain and Suffering
Dog bites can cause excruciating pain and debilitation. The medical procedures, medications, and physical therapy necessary to repair damaged bodily parts may also be stressful. You are entitled to compensation for your dog’s bite-related physical pain and suffering. If the attack permanently disfigures you, you may be awarded greater dog bite damage because of pain and suffering.

Emotional Distress
A dog bite can cause emotional harm in addition to bodily harm. Physical pain and intensive medical care can cause emotional harm. They may also result from the discomfort caused by the bite event itself.
You can experience psychological side effects like melancholy, anxiety, insomnia, and an intense dread of dogs. In certain situations, you could also get post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Your dog bite injury case may include compensation for your mental distress.
Property Damage
As a dog bite victim, you can get compensation for damage to your car or personal property. This type of damage includes ripped clothing, shattered glasses, ruined shoes, and harm to any things you had with you at the time of the incident. If you were on your bike or motorcycle during the attack, it also covers damage to those vehicles.
In addition to covering property damage, reimbursement for medical expenses can cover any injuries your dog sustained during the attack. It is not unusual for a dog to attack another dog in Las Vegas and cause serious or even fatal injuries. In one instance, three Pit Bulls assaulted a Chihuahua, resulting in death. Dog Bite King’s attorney in Las Vegas advised dog owners to exercise greater caution after that incident.
Loss of Consortium
You may be able to seek damages for “loss of consortium” if the dog’s injuries have harmed your relationship with your spouse. You suffer these damages when you cannot give your spouse the same support, intimacy, or companionship you did before the incident.
Recovery of Punitive Damages Following a Dog Bite
You could occasionally be awarded punitive damages due to a dog bite incident. However, bear in mind that the courts rarely award these damages. You could not get punitive damages unless the dog owner behaved willfully or with extreme negligence.
The act of a dog owner purposefully sending their dog after you is an example of egregiously careless behavior. Punitive damages are granted by courts to penalize wrongdoers and deter future offenders from committing the same offenses.
Determining the Worth of Your Dog Bite Case
The specifics of your case, including the details surrounding the dog attack, will determine the case value of a dog bite. If you sustained more serious injuries than minor ones, your case value could be substantially higher.
Add together all of the money you lost due to the dog bite injury to find out how much compensation you could get. Courts refer to these as “economic damages.” They comprise all monetary damages that can be measured objectively, including missed wages, follow-up care, medication, surgery, and initial medical costs.
From the dog bite, you can be entitled to non-economic damages. The subjective, non-financial effects of a dog bite injury, like pain and suffering, are covered by non-economic damages.
Applying the “multiplier method may partially determine your non-economic damage.” Using the multiplier approach, you multiply the total of your economic damage through a predetermined amount known as a multiplier. The range of a multiplier is often 1.5 to 5, contingent upon the extent of your damage. You can calculate an appropriate multiplier and assess the actual severity of your injuries by being aware of the six dog bite categories.
Assume that your total economic losses come to $15,000. A multiplier of “three” applied to that amount will result in $45,000 in non-economic damages. Your dog bite lawsuit could be worth $60,000. You, your lawyer, and the other parties will discuss the applicable multiplier during settlement negotiations. The multiplier the jury determines is reasonable in the given situation could be determined if your case gets to trial.
There is no assurance that you will be compensated in full or for any losses. The most excellent strategy to increase your chances of recovery is to work with a knowledgeable dog bite lawyer.

Hiring a Dog Bite Attorney to File a Money Damages Claim
Your ability to get the most money possible for your dog bite injuries might be greatly aided by a skilled dog bite injury attorney. You can receive the following help from your lawyer:
Investigate the Dog Bite Incident and Collect the Evidence
An attorney will look into the event to find the dog’s owner and any prospective insurance company that might pay for the injuries. The attorney will investigate the dog’s breed and if it was confined or on a leash at the time of the incident.
Your attorney can learn more about the history of the attacking dog by contacting the local police department and animal control. The attorney can also view images of your injury during the occurrence and at various points along the healing process.
Acquire Medical Records and Other Documents
You have to prove that the injuries you sustained from the dog are real and qualify you for compensation. All of the doctors’ notes and medical documents from the treatments you have received can be used to support the legitimacy of your injuries. Getting these records from medical providers can be complex and lengthy, mainly if you handle it alone. A lawyer can assist you with this procedure by following up with the relevant medical providers to ensure that all the required paperwork is received on time.
Physicians treating dog bite injuries may have good relationships with an attorney with a track record of successfully handling a dog bite claim. A lawyer like this can find a doctor who can offer the most credible expert testimony.
Determining the Value of the Dog Bite Injury Case
An experienced dog bite attorney can assess the value of your case by looking at the evidence currently available and the severity of your injuries. Your lawyer will work to ensure that the settlement amount you ask for compensates you for all your losses.
Negotiate And Communicate With The Dog Owner’s Insurance Company
The dog owner’s insurance is usually called and negotiated by an experienced attorney. The lawyer knows how to fight back against any attempts by the insurance company for a meager settlement amount.
Your attorney might stress the financial, psychological, and physical ramifications of your dog bite injuries now and in the future. To back up their claims, the attorney may consult your medical records, doctors’ notes, and images of your wounds. Having arguments backed up by facts lessens the likelihood that an insurance provider will underpay you.
Start A Lawsuit And Offer Legal Representation
Parties frequently reach settlements in dog bite cases without going to court. On the other hand, some cases proceed to trial. An attorney can strengthen and present your case to increase the possibility that you will receive a favorable injury verdict.
Actions to Take Following a Dog Bite Injury
Seek medical attention as soon as possible following a dog bite. Even if the attack only leaves you with a few little scratches, don’t put off getting treated. Additionally, do not disregard a little dog’s bite. It’s crucial to remember that tiny dogs have powerful bites.
You can avoid infection from dog bite injuries by seeking medical attention immediately. Additionally, it might expedite the healing process. Getting medical care right away can also guarantee that your injuries are properly documented. This document supports your claim for compensation from the responsible dog owner or their insurance.
File a dog bite report with the appropriate state animal control authority. These offices are located in your local police department in Nevada. You have three options for reporting: over the phone, via mail, or in person at the office.
Recover Damages Following a Dog Bite with Dog Bite King
If you’ve experienced a dog bite incident and want to recover from damage, look no further than Dog Bite King Law Group. Our experienced legal team specializes in navigating the intricate landscape of dog bite cases, upholding your rights, and ensuring justice is served.
With an in-depth understanding of the relevant statutes and laws, including strict liability laws, we are dedicated to securing the compensation you deserve. Trust our dog bite attorney to guide you through the civil litigation process and advocate.
If you have any questions or want more information, call our law firm at (702) 364-2483.